Monday, July 27, 2009

Planet Hulk=The Road to Animated Marvel Events?

Planet Hulk, an "event" where the Illuminati sent the Hulk into space after deciding that his presence on Earth was a problem which could not be solved is being made into a full fledged animated movie by Marvel. Now this could just be another animated movie to cash in on since kid's love the Hulk and watching him smash things, but what if it was more than that?

Planet Hulk seems like a good starting point for Marvel to begin releasing a chain of animated movies following all of the events from Planet Hulk through possibly Secret Invasion. But, for it to work it would need to be planned out a bit differently than it was in the original comics.

First off, after the events of Planet Hulk, we would get a movie about the Illuminati. How and why they formed and a more general reason than in the comics like Tony wanting to bring the best minds of each "Field" he could think of together to make the important decisions in the world. The movie would lead up all the way to the meeting where Tony warns the group about the pending "Super Hero Registration Act."

Then comes the Civil War movie, going pretty much the exact same way as it did in the comics. Pym, Reed and Tony working together, Captain America rallying together the Street Level Heroes to fight against the SHRA. But some things being changed, such as Spider-Man revealing himself to the public, since there wouldn't be enough time to delve into the consequences of his actions (Plus, I doubt anyone wants a "One More Day" movie.) Maybe it would be best to have Tony keep his identiy private until the SHRA is passed and revealing it in place of Spidey and have Spider-Man just stay on the Anti-Registration side. There would be a big fight, ending with Captain America's arrest and eventual assassination.

The next movie, taking place quickly after the events of Civil War would be a World War Hulk movie, playing out practically the same as in the comics, minus a few changes. One being the return of Thor (His absence being explained in an earlier movie, most likely in Civil War when explaining the Thor Clone.) which is the deciding factor in defeating the Hulk when he returns. After the events in WWH, Tony brings the Illuminati together one last time revealing that in Captain America's autopsy it was revealed that he was actually a Skrull. The group is surprised that he was able to be under the radar for God knows how long and didn't shift back when he was killed and begining to worry about an upcoming Skrull invasion along with the reveal of Skrull Black Bolt.

And finally comes the Secret Invasion film, starting with Tony trying to get together as many people as he can as discreetly as possible to help against the possible invasion, starting with Thor, Who Tony believes could not be a Skrull since he has just recently returned. Thor refuses to work with Tony now that he has learned that they had used his DNA to make a weapon during the Civil War. Tony then has no choice but to turn his attention back to Reed and now Hank Pym about what has happened and the event plays normally from there until right before the final battle with the Skrulls. The ship containing all the prisoners is found and opened beforehand, with Captain America and other's escaping and he leads the Heroes to defeat the Skrulls and save the planet. After the Invasion Tony and Steve are able to work out the differences which Tony and the Skrull couldn't during the Civil War and everything is returned back to a Status Quo of sorts.

Of course, it doesn't sound as good as what we read when these events were in our hands, but some changes have to be made for the good of the flow of the story, now matter how "Rage Inducing" to the fans they may be (I'm looking at you "Next Avengers." Tony Stark built Ultron my ass.)

But, those are just my thoughts on the entire matter. I could be completly off and the Planet Hulk Movie may be all we see and the only other glimpse of Marvel events may be in Ultimate Alliance 2 and a possible World War Hulk movie, but you never know.

Until Next time


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